This morning Mr. K and I went to the bank and got my signature notarized on his retirement paperwork, which was the last piece of documentation needed for the package to be finalized and his retirement date to become officially official. (I had to irrevocably consent to his opting out of the normal form of payment for the pension benefits.) Next spring, he’ll be an actual Retired Person. I’m not yet sure when I’ll join him; I haven’t worked for the same company for going on 30 years, much less one that still offers a traditional pension, so we’ll have to take another hard look at our savings and lifestyle before we decide for sure. Or as sure as we can be—the paper I signed today is irrevocable, but my decision to stop working doesn’t have to be. I don’t see myself going back to a full time office job after I eventually leave Purple Systems, but I’ve already started brainstorming about jobs I might be able to get on the mountain someday after we’ve moved there full time. Or ways I might be able to earn some income online (that aren’t scammy). I know I’m so fortunate to be in a position to consider stuff like this; I’ll be retiring early enough that having a second, more flexible career is a possibility. Maybe in ten years one of your reading this will come check in to the Selkirk Lodge and find me behind the hotel desk, working nights so as not to interfere with my skiing on powder days. It could happen. A lot of things could happen. We’ll just have to see how things unfold.
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