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Archive for April 3rd, 2002

Baby Quilt Rules

April 3, 2002

I have been stealing time from morning pages to sew. So many quilts to make, so little time. Between now and mid-October, I have eight baby quilts I want to do, including the one I’m working on now. Four of those are for babies that are already born. I also want to finish the calendar quilt I started in June, 2000, and do a quilt with the railroad patches I inherited from my dad, and do several small quilts to rotate through my office.

My current rules for baby quilts:
1) If I work with one of the parents, I make a quilt. If I talk with the parent about the baby before it is born, I try to get the quilt done before the birth, or shortly thereafter. If not, I try to get the quilt done for the baby’s first birthday.

2) If you’re a friend who’s having a baby, I will make a quilt if we’re close enough that I hear pregnancy updates and know how the nursery is decorated.

3) If you don’t fall into either of the categories above, but pay me for the materials and give me design latitude, I will make a quilt. We can confer on colors and theme, and I will show you sketches before I start and Polaroids as I progress, but I won’t make something I don’t like.

4) If you are a relative who’s having a baby, I will not make a quilt, because I don’t want everyone I’m related to who had a baby before you did and didn’t get a quilt to be mad at me.

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