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Archive for August 4th, 2003

Goal Check-In: Month 4

August 4, 2003

This check-in is late because I decided to give myself a three-day grace period for July, one day for each I spent in the hospital. That seemed fair. Besides, working on my goals is a lower priority right now since I’m focusing on healing. The stuff I can’t do now can just wait until I’m feeling better.

I’m declaring success on my body goal for July. Yes, I’m still over my goal of 150 by four pounds, but I have managed not to gain despite being at home with the refrigerator all day and not being able to do any exercise other than walking. My post-surgery swelly belly makes me feel heavier than the scale says I am. Having to wear loose fitting shorts and skirts with elastic or drawstring waists all the time doesn’t help, either. I’m hoping the warm weather lasts long enough for me to be able to wear the shorts and capris I bought earlier this summer a few more times before I have to pack them away. Right now, I don’t even want to try them on because I know it would be depressing. I can’t even wear my close fitting elastic waist shorts yet, so I know a zippered pair with a regular waist is right out. Sigh. I must be patient.

I exceeded my reading goal for July, getting in three books in paper form versus the target of two. That’s good, especially considering I didn’t have much of an attention span while I was on morphine and then Vicodin. Since reading is something I can do lying down or sitting in a recliner, I got back to that before I got back to quilting, which requires standing to iron and cut fabric and sitting up straight to sew it on the machine. Now that I’m off the heavy duty pain killers and have more energy, I’ve been able to play with my fabric again. I’m close to finishing the silliest wall quilt I’ve ever made and have lots of projects waiting after that. I think I’ll be able to meet my goal of eight quilts for the year, though I probably will count a couple group baby quilts in order to do it.

As for the house, once again I did not meet my goal. Before surgery, I did do a little work in the family room, the room of the month carried over from June, but since coming home from the hospital, I’ve done no cleaning or organizing in there. I don’t have enough energy to go around right now. I did empty my box of clippings for July, because sitting on the couch and picking up a few sheets of paper at a time is something I can handle. I did have to take full advantage of the grace period in order to get them filed, though.

All in all, I can’t complain about my progress on my goals in July. That I got anything at all done is great considering how dragged out the surgery and anemia have made me feel.


About a year ago, I had just finished the kitty baby quilt.

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