A few weeks ago, I got an e-mail from the guy who runs ManHole.ca, asking if I’d be interested in submitting some of my photos from Japan to be considered for inclusion in his gallery of fine sewer art. Sometimes e-mails with subjects that include phrases like “pictures on your website” are spam, but this one had complete sentences that made sense and no mention of free e-mail, cheap software, easy access to prescription drugs, or my ability to satisfy women, so I checked out the link. Sure enough, there were manhole covers galore. I knew I wasn’t the only one who takes pictures of stuff like that, but it’s still validating to see more proof that I’m not alone.
Sometime after I got back from Japan, I discovered that another woman, Shirley MacGregor, had not only taken pictures of Japanese sewer covers but had written two books about turning them into quilts: Quilting with Manhole Covers and Treasures Underfoot. So not only am I not alone in taking pictures of manhole covers, I’m not the only one who thought they’d be a good design source for quilts.
So to become one with the other manhole photographing folks, I formatted several of my Japan shots and sent them in. Now not only are six of my pictures are up on ManHole.ca but two of them are finalists in the December t-shirt giveaway. Since this isn’t like the Diarist awards, I can ask for your votes, which you can cast here (for the bold blossom show at left) or here (for the one that reminds me of wisteria shown below right).
You can vote every day between now and the end of the contest on January 15th if you’re so inclined. I’ve got some tough competition–the rocket ship with giant flowers is very striking and the sunflower and grid would make an excellent quilt block. If I win, I’ll turn the triumphant manhole cover into a quilted wallhanging, which I will then give away to some lucky reader picked in a manner to be determined later (if a manner turns out to be needed). If I don’t win, I promise not to pout but instead to contact whomever does and see if they’ll trade their t-shirt prize for a quilt inspired by their entry. I’m almost caught up with the baby quilts on my list, so I should have plenty of time for manhole quilting next year.
One year ago, there was no entry because I was too busy enjoying a long weekend at home.
Two years ago, I revealed some color choices. I am chagrined to admit that not one of those rooms has yet been painted.
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