I Am the Champion
January 17, 2005
This photo of mine won the ManHole.ca contest for December, thanks to all of you who didn’t just listen to me plead for votes but actually went and clicked. As I promised, I will be making a quilted wallhanging inspired by this photo and conducting a random drawing to select the person whose wall it will decorate. If you voted for either one of my photos and would like to be entered in the drawing, please e-mail me by January 31st, which is just about when I expect to be able to start working on this project. I won’t need your mailing address yet, but you should be comfortable giving me one in the event you win. If you’ve got any color or design suggestions, I’d love to get those, too.
Knowing that even if I didn’t win, I wanted to make a manhole cover inspired quilt, I bought the two Shirley MacGregor books on the subject. As it turns out, the cover that won is in the first book, so I have a head start on making a pattern already since she’s already drawn it out for me in miniature and I know how to use the enlarge feature on the copier. The hard part is going to be choosing fabrics. I haven’t yet decided how I want to do the applique, but I’ve got a little time to ponder that. Fusible would be faster, of course, and sure would make it easier to do the finer details. By hand would be absorbing and give me a portable project, but it might be a long time before I could finish. Maybe I’ll try doing it by machine–I use the machine for most everything else. So many possibilities…