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Archive for May 3rd, 2005

Marking Period 1

May 3, 2005

A new goal year is a new opportunity to see if doing monthly check-ins will lead to greater success. Starting now, only a couple days late.


The bright spot in a sea of darkness here is that since mid-April, I’ve been going to two Nia classes a week instead of one. Other than that, the news is not good. I gained something like 3 pounds in April and am just depressed about the whole subject. There is a glimmer of hope that this month will be better, since I resisted the lure of fast food all this past weekend, when it was particularly tempting because Mr. Karen was out of town and it would have been so easy to just stop at Taco Bell for lunch on the way home from Nia on Saturday, and have not dipped into the snack stash here at work (whoever said you can’t get fat eating free food didn’t work at Purple Systems) yet this week.


I didn’t see any live performances, but there’s no need to panic because I only said I’d do three for the whole year. I did read the catalog for the Ann Arbor Summer Festival, so that’s a step in the right direction. The theory that I’m back in the habit of reading something other than magazines and did not need a reading goal this year is not proving true, since pretty much my entire book intake in April came in the form of CDs for my car stereo, but that’s okay.


I finished the manhole cover quilt, reorganized my fabric stash, and started on a new project, so that’s all good. Of course it’s good. When have I ever not made time to play with my fabric?


I still have just as many boxes in the basement now as I this time last month. Perhaps going down there will become more appealing as the weather gets warmer and I start to seek out places to escape the heat. I did make some progress on the photo albums and the stacks of magazines, so it’s not like I did nothing house-spiffing-up-related at all in April.

So April was not a great month goal-achievement-wise, but that just leaves lots of room for May to be better.

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