Hat on Top, Coat Below


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Archive for May 10th, 2005

Three Down, Unknown to Go

May 10, 2005

This journal turns three years old today. Yesterday I cleaned out the last of my images at Diary-X because renewing my Plus membership a year and a half after I moved over to my own domain seemed like a bit too much procrastination even for me. I’d deleted most of the entries there a long time ago, but yesterday I got rid of all but one page that directs people here. I expect I’ll leave that there for a long time, since some people still find their way here from there, and I’d hate to have them get lost in cyberspace.

Last year as a present from me to the internet in honor of my journal birthday, I answered the question asked in many of the search queries which bring people here, namely, how to do a chignon. I thought about doing a pictorial guide to French braiding for this year, since that’s what I do to my hair most days, but that subject rarely shows up on my stats reports. What does come up a lot is toenails–specifically bruised or otherwise damaged ones: skiing injured toenails, lifted toenail, bruise under toenail. I expect those searchers were able to find something to satisfy them, since I’ve written about my toenail troubles on more than one occasion. I am pleased to report that right now I have no wonky toenails at all, unlike last year, when my right big toe looked like this. Between using the custom footbeds for my ski boots and putting ice on my toes after skiing some of the days on my last trip for the season, I managed to avoid the worst effects of toe bang. Good thing, too, now that I’m doing Nia and my bare feet are on display once or twice a week.

I feel good knowing I may have helped people with their toenail issues. Let’s see if I can clear up a few other things that have popped up in my search terms.

top speed for a guinea pig: In miles per hour, pretty low, but that doesn’t mean they’re necessarily easy to catch. They are prey animals and so know a thing or two about running away. Bubba and I used to play ring around the dining room table at the end of his playtime on a fairly regular basis.

naked winter solstice celebration colorado: I don’t recommend it, unless you’re going to be indoors.

rhinestone nametags: I don’t recommend these at all, indoors or out.

why is it important not to iron the potholder after it is completed: Because you might melt the batting, and then it would be a flat, sad thing.

what constitutes a bad cocaine habit: I’m thinking any cocaine habit is a bad one, what with it being expensive and illegal and unhealthy, but I have no personal experience in this area.

how do pikachus make pikachus: I don’t know, and I certainly am not going to click on any of the links a Google search for Pokemon sex brings up.

tokyo trip cool great sushi cute: Yes, you should go. It will be cool and great and you’ll eat sushi and see cute stuff. Bring a hand towel.

I might also have to consider starting a business to provide all the hats people are looking for: kokopelli hat, polar bear hat, detroit black snow hat, alta waterproof hat, albatross hat, toenail hat, and guilt hat (but not quilt hat). I’ll need to ponder some of those first, though. Is a toenail hat a hat for a toenail, or a hat shaped like a toenail?

If I do start that business, you’ll hear about here first. But more likely there’ll just be more quilts and more trip reports and more goal check-ins and more kvetching and more descriptions of odd and/or wonderful stuff I see. My life, online.

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