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Archive for September, 2006

Pink Ribbon Socks

September 18, 2006

Mr. Karen and I took Friday off and went to Chicago for the weekend; now I am back at work and sleepy and haven’t yet had time to sort my pictures and write up a trip report. Later today or tomorrow I will. Right now, look what I got:


Note I said “got”, not “made”. Though I have appropriate yarn and needles, I have as of now only a vague idea of how socks get knitted. These socks here were made by Jenipurr, who did the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer and drew names from her contributors to win custom-knit pink ribbon socks. I got lucky, and now I’ve got socks made just for me. Cool beans. Maybe someday I’ll work my way up to making socks as fancy as these my own self.

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