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Archive for August, 2009

July Check-In

August 5, 2009

Time to see how I did on the admittedly modest goals I set for myself last month.

1. Weigh less and move more.

I said I’d go to the gym 8 times. I did. According to FitLinxx, I lifted 21.8 elephant equivalents in July, up from 20.7 in June. What their e-mail didn’t tell me but I found out by exploring their site is that I ranked 3rd for weight lifted at my facility last month among the 108 women in my age group. I was pretty surprised (and pleased) to see that. Further clicking around the weight lifted standings for my facility showed that among all women, I ranked 10th, and among all people in my age bracket, I ranked 11th. I didn’t look to see how I ranked among all ages and genders because I wanted to keep feeling pretty good about myself and I’ve followed enough of the younger guys on machines to know they’re lifting way more than I am.

I said I’d run 8 times. I actually went out 10 times in July, so go me. I put in the most miles I’ve done since last November, so I wasn’t slacking on distance, either. (Well, not slacking compared to what I’ve been doing; my weekly totals are still less than some people I know do in two days, but I try not to think about that because then it’s just a hop skip and jump to “why should I even bother?”) My heel and ITB pains are still nagging me some, but ice helps, as does the tennis ball massage technique I heard about on the Ski Diva forum.

I am not talking about my weight right now other than to say that July was such a disaster diet-wise I’ve been back citrus and protein (slightly tweaked, because it’s hard enough to ignore the mounds of free snacks at work without also giving up all my high-calorie condiments) since Monday, since I obviously am not to be trusted with too many food choices right now.

2. Keep less and organize more.

I said I’d complete one organization project. Calling it a project is overstating the case, but I did empty a box full of opened mail and other papers that had been sitting on the desk for months—overflow from my overflow.

3. Surf less and contribute more.
I said I’d finish 1 DP project, proof/format a page a day there, and add one memorial or photo a day to Find a Grave. I did all that: one more issue of American Missionary is done, I proofed or formatted 36 pages, and added 37 memorials and 44 photos to Find a Grave.

August targets:
1) Gym 6 times.
2) Run 8 times.
3) Fitter and/or free weights 3 times.
4) Complete one organization project.
5) Finish 1 DP project, proof/format a page a day, and add one memorial or photo a day.

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