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Archive for April 23rd, 2010

Yay for Friday

April 23, 2010

It felt like a long week, even though I’m feeling more my usual self. Tuesday I had my annual review at work, so Monday night I didn’t sleep well—spent a couple/few hours in the middle of the night worrying about how it would go and thinking about things I might say to defend/explain myself if it went badly. Those hours were wasted, as the review went very well, and I didn’t have to say any of those things. Will I remember this next year and skip the worrying step? Probably not. I guess I’d rather do it this way than not worry and get a bad review.

Tire pressure sensor faultWednesday I went out at lunchtime to run some errands and when I got back into the car after my first stop, the tire pressure warning light on the dash came on. I have never had a car before that had this feature, so there was certainly novelty value in seeing it. I hoped it was just a low tire, but when I got out to check, I heard hissing. Not good. I walked around to the passenger side and saw a big plastic circle with a metal screw in the center poking right into my front tire. Mystery solved. I considered calling AAA, but since I didn’t know how long I’d have to wait and I had to get back to work and it was a nice day, I decided to at least try changing it myself. I got out the applicable manual and opened the trunk, where I found a very nice laminated “quick start” type of guide to tire changing. I found the wrench and the jack and just followed the steps. I even remembered to loosen the bolts on the tire before I jacked up the car. Several people drove right by me in the parking lot as I was doing this, and none stopped to ask if I needed help; as I mentioned on Facebook, I am choosing to believe they all were impressed by how well I was doing so it didn’t occur to them to offer help. The spare stayed on all the way back to the office and then all the way home, so I guess I didn’t actually need any help.

I am hoping next week will be less stressful.

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