Goal Wednesday, 6.02
June 2, 2010
Last week was a better week than the one that preceded it. My goals:
1. Stick to the 400 x 4 plan as much as possible.
Good news here—I lost two pounds this past week, which is great for a normal week but super fantastic for a week that included a holiday. I love that I was able to eat pizza and cheese bread and go to a restaurant and order what I wanted and still lose weight. (Most of that dinner I ordered is in take out containers in the fridge right now, as I was feeling very full after eating not even half of my entrée).
2. Weight work twice; aerobics twice.
As the week before, I did the weights, but only one aerobic session. That one session was my longest in some time, but still, I need to do better here.
3. Get rid of one box of stuff.
I did half a box, which is, of course, better than none. In it, I found such gems as Bed, Bath & Beyond coupons that expired in 2007. I’m planning to test just how old a coupon has to get before they won’t accept it.
4. Do a page a day at DP, a photo or memorial a day at Find A Grave, and complete at least five steps on post-processing an American Missionary issue.
Did all this, even overachieved on the photo goal.
For the coming week—no surprises here:
1. Stick to the 400 x 4 plan.
2. Weight work twice; aerobics twice.
3. Get rid of one box of stuff.
4. Do a page a day at DP, a photo or memorial a day at Find A Grave, and complete at least five steps on post-processing an American Missionary issue.
This post is part of New Beginnings Wednesdays.