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Sock Monkeys Redecorate

December 30, 2011

Sock Monkeys Redecorate

Sock Monkey and New Monkey decided that what this big wreath was missing was monkeys. They might be right.


On this date in 2010: Sock Monkey Goes Grocery Shopping
2009: Gadgetry
2008: Twilight, The Movie
2007: Fitter
2006: Chilly Afternoon Out
2005: Triplets
2004: Vacation Paddling
2003: Pikachu Loves Me, At Least for Now
2002: Lost Weekend

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  1. Bozoette Mary Says:

    There’s always room for sock monkeys.

  2. Denise Says:

    I saw that same rainbow-colored monkey while shopping a while back, and almost bought it. It makes me happy 🙂

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