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Archive for January 9th, 2012

Holidailies Wrap Up

January 9, 2012

Today is officially Day 32 of Holidailies, but since I started (along with some other folks) on reddit before the official start date, this is the 35th consecutive day I’ve posted an entry. I’m pretty sure I’ve never managed that before. Considering I also posted 27 entries to my nail blog in that same period, some of which were chock full of photos that needed cropping and resizing, I’m pretty impressed with myself. And simultaneously pretty frustrated—if I can do this, why can’t I motivate myself to do other things that are just as hard?

According to my stats pages (which I had to reacquaint myself with because I check them so rarely now, the novelty having long since worn off), my most viewed Holidailies entry this year was File Under “Old School”, about the ridiculously outdated job hunting articles I had in my clippings file. Hmm, if that’s the sort of thing people want to read, I have a lot more files where those came from. That entry did not, however, surpass the December views for the perennial favorite Harry Potter Fabric from 2006. I had no idea when I wrote that people would still be looking at it five years later. In among all the “harry potter fabric” search queries that brought people to my journal were a few looking for “sock monkey snow skiing”; maybe next year I should take one of my stripey friends out on the slopes with me.

Thanks to Richard and Jennifer for taking over hosting duties for Holidailies and getting the portal working again! It was so nice to be back there this year. For those of you I only run into during this month o’ writing, it’s been fun, and I hope to see you again in December 2012.


In ten Januarys writing this journal, the only other time I posted an entry on the 9th was in 2004, when I wrote Morning Routine.

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