To Everything There Is a Season
December 3, 2014
One of the things I intended to do Monday was switch the window decor on the glass front wall of my office from autumn to winter, what with Thanksgiving being over. As of right now, Wednesday noon, I’ve only gotten as far as taking down the fall-themed clings and am pondering whether I should try to find some glass cleaner to use before I put new clings up.
This will be the first winter I’ve decorated the window in this office, as we moved in last year just before Christmas and I almost immediately took off for a long ski trip so didn’t properly settle in until later. I first put up clings for Valentine’s Day, inspired by needing a little color in the depths of winter and seeing a sale on decor at a drugstore one day. Thus there were hearts (I want to say there were some purple ones in the other window panel but do not have any photographic evidence of that on hand right now).
When the hearts came down (well into March, if I recall correctly), shamrocks and four-leaf clovers and gold coins went up for St. Patrick’s Day.
The shamrocks gave way to flowers and butterflies for spring. The butterflies were on the door panel, so when I slid it closed, they flew away from the flowers.
I added an Easter bunny and eggs on the second window panel a couple weeks later.
In late June, some patriotic Snoopy clings took over the space that had been vacant since the bunny came down. I wasn’t overly delighted by these since the Snoopy ones are not gel so the light doesn’t shine through and the bulk of the gel ones are letters that I have to look at backwards when I’m at my desk, which I am for hours and hours each day, but they were the only ones I came across to buy.
In September I took down the flowers and put up some leaves.
October saw some jack o’lanterns go up early in the month, with bats and stars flying above them a bit later, and trick or treaters and a witch getting added to the door panel the week before Halloween.
After Halloween, the ghosts and jack o’ lanterns and such came down and more leaves went up, along with owls and acorns and then more owls.
It was all those owls and acorns and leaves and pumpkins I took down over lunch today, leaving me looking at bare glass for the first time in months. Boring. More professional, sure, but boring. Which is why before the week is out I plan to at least get a snowman or something up there, but that’s a post for another day.
On this date in 2013: Creepier Than Elf on a Shelf
2012: Getting Better
2007 through 2011: No entries
2006: Eye Candy is Better Than No Candy at All
2005: No entry
2004: Catching Up, Again
2003: Bad Logo on the Rise
2002: Winter