Hat on Top, Coat Below


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This Is My Brain on Stress

December 11, 2014

One of the meetings on my calendar for today was cancelled at nearly the last minute, so I decided I could afford to take a little break and do some Lumosity training for the first time in nearly a week. As the graph of my overall performance shows, I don’t do so well when I’m stressed and tired.

This is my brain on stress

Instead of dwelling on the stress and tiredness, I’ll instead share the window decor I put up on the glass front wall of my office before this week got rolling with its demands and changing schedules and chaos and sadness and stuff. I’m not sold on the snowman or the holly but haven’t had time to fiddle with or remove or replace them. At least I’ve had something fun to look at besides my sparkly purple trees (which are behind my right shoulder as I sit at my desk so not good for quick glances).

It's a Start


On this date in 2013: No entry
2012: What’s Up Mushroom?
2011: Grey on Top, Brown Below
2010: No entry
2009: My Secret Self—Not
2008: Any Time Now
2007: WDW, Part Deux
2006: Inside the Numbers
2005: Sunday Stress
2003 & 2004: No entry
2002: I Can See Clearly Now

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