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Temptation at the Thrift Shop

December 30, 2014

Mr. K and I stopped in a charity shop today to see what we could see. He found a belt to buy; I found some men’s sweaters I was sorely tempted by. Since I have many sweaters in my wardrobe already, some of which I haven’t worn in several winters, I could not justify buying these even though they were very reasonably priced. I did take some photos to remember them, though.

This first one is definitely Karen colors—purple, blue, lime, grey, and black—and a quilt-like design. This photo might inspire a quilt one day, who knows.

Thrift shop sweater

The triangles sweater was interesting to me for another reason: it came from Knott’s Berry Farm, one of the places Mr. K and I went on our honeymoon. I don’t recall that we went into Bob’s Men’s Shop back then, though.

Bob's Men's Shop Knott's Berry Farm

The other sweater I really wanted was this ski-themed beauty by Tricots St Raphael for The Sharper Image. Just look how rad it is:

Thrift shop ski sweater

The back is a little less outrageous but still very spiffy:

Thrift shop ski sweater (back)

Hmm, now that I’m looking at these photos, I really, really want to go back and get these. Must resist. Fortunately as I type this the store is closed, and by morning when they open again I will most likely have gotten distracted. For the sake of my overstuffed closet, I can only hope so.


On this date in 2013: Little Karen
2012: Sock Monkey Tries Five Guys
in 2011: Sock Monkeys Redecorate
2010: Sock Monkey Goes Grocery Shopping
2009: Gadgetry
2008: Twilight, The Movie
2007: Fitter
2006: Chilly Afternoon Out
2005: Triplets
2004: Vacation Paddling
2003: Pikachu Loves Me, At Least for Now
2002: Lost Weekend

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