Christmas Eve
December 24, 2015
Had a great day today, starting with skiing in yet more fresh powder. I shoveled the decks yesterday after I came in from the slopes, and this morning the snow was piled up again; the snow report for today said sixteen inches in the last 24 hours. The trees are so covered that some are looking almost cone-shaped.
One of the special holiday events today was a balloon parade for kids with Santa (and Mrs. Claus and a big elf, not pictured). It was snowing again when the time came, which added to the festive atmosphere.
Because it’s a holiday, Mr. Karen and I decided to walk down and have dinner in the village; on the way, we caught a glimpse of Santa making his rounds on the lit up fire truck—next year they need to put a spotlight on Santa so he doesn’t get lost among the bling.
When we got home, we enjoyed our lights glowing through the wave of snow on the balcony railing.
There’s not much snow in the forecast for tonight, and there’s no balloon parade tomorrow, but it should still be another great day—it’ll be Christmas, after all.
On this date in 2014: Hangin’ with a New Posse
2013: WDW Day 8: Magic Kingdom and Epcot
2012: A Tale of Two Glitters
2011: Worrying About Nothing & Purple Can Too Be a Christmas Color
2010: Oh Purple Tree
2009: Parking Lots and Anchor Stores
2008: Tree of Fascination
2007: With Care
2006: Presto-Pine & Sugar Play
2005: Winter Count—October
2004: The Stockings Were Hung on the Bookcase with Care
2003: Peace on Earth and Goodwill to All
2002: Books I Have Not Read