Hat on Top, Coat Below


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Archive for December 31st, 2017

Winding Down

December 31, 2017

I ended the year as I mean to go on: skiing. The day started sunny and then the clouds rolled in, as they often do. I was happy I captured the view below while there was still some blue in the sky.

Possibly a vantage point I haven't shot from before


Of course it’s not possible to ski until midnight, so Mr. Karen and I will ring in the new year from the warmth and comfort of our little condo, peeking out the windows now and then to see what fireworks people are shooting off (the first batch happened while we were eating dinner). The big question is whether we’ll still be up at midnight in this time zone. Quite possibly we’ll celebrate the arrival of 2018 in Central or Mountain Time and be tucked up in bed by the time the new year arrives in our Pacific zone. And that’s perfectly fine with me.


On this date in 2016: 2016 Photo Project
2015: 2015 Photo Project
2014: 2014 Photo Project
2013: 2013 Photo Projects
2012: Happy New Year a Bit Early
2011: How Long Until 2012
2010: Sock Monkey Waits for the New Year
2009: Finished!
2008: The Year in Pictures
2007: I Am the Champion and The End
2006: Sofa Star Quilt and One of Those Entries
2005: Winter Count–December
2004: It’s an Honor Just to be Nominated
2003: No entry
2002: Not One of Those Entries

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