There’s Always Next Year
December 31, 2018
I didn’t do well at all with my goals for 2018. I didn’t set them until the end of January and haven’t done a check-in about my progress since the end of March. It’s been a busy year for me, with lots of travel (looking at my loyalty account with the hotel chain I stay at most shows me I spent 80+ nights in their hotels in 2018, which seem ridiculous when I know there were some nights in other chains and plenty of nights staying in relatives’ homes). Which yes, being gone that much did affect my ability to get things done at home, since I wasn’t here. But when I was here, I wasn’t exactly super productive.
1. Photographing
I have taken at least one photo every day of 2018 (I don’t think I missed one; if I’d been doing more regular progress reports I’d know for sure—I took a quick tour through my sets on Flickr and didn’t see any gaps). I did much less well with posting them in a timely manner to the My Daily Photo Diary group on Flickr and engaging with other members there.
2. Reading
This I did do: read 56 books (equal to how many years old I am) this year. Reading while I’m on the road is easier than doing other things.
3. Writing: Nail Blog
I did more nail blog posts in 2018 than in 2017, and there were no months when I posting nothing, so I guess that’s progress.
4. Writing: Online Journal
I will end this year with three fewer journal entries in 2018 than the year before. Not progress.
5. Resisting
I didn’t do enough.
6. Organizing
Didn’t do enough of this either (personal organizing, not political).
7. Cooking
I didn’t try as many new recipes as I wanted to, but I did try some, and I do manage to cook pretty often when we are home, so I’m okay with this area.
8. Exercising
Travel is a big disruptor here. When we’re home, skiing and snowshoeing and hiking are so easy to do (depending on the season). When we’re not, staying active is harder, especially those days we drive 700 miles.
9. Losing weight
Lost some, gained some, made no real headway.
I’m not read to finalize any goals for 2019 quite yet. One of my online friends introduced me to the concept of a “depth year”, which I’m mulling over. I do want to do more of the things I’m already doing (or once did and still have the supplies for), or at least do them better. Mr. Karen thinks I make work for myself with some of my projects, which maybe, but I like having a structure even when I deviate from it.
On this date in 2017: Winding Down
2016: 2016 Photo Project
2015: 2015 Photo Project
2014: 2014 Photo Project
2013: 2013 Photo Projects
2012: Happy New Year a Bit Early
2011: How Long Until 2012
2010: Sock Monkey Waits for the New Year
2009: Finished!
2008: The Year in Pictures
2007: I Am the Champion and The End
2006: Sofa Star Quilt and One of Those Entries
2005: Winter Count–December
2004: It’s an Honor Just to be Nominated
2003: No entry
2002: Not One of Those Entries