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A Trio of Firsts

December 1, 2018

Today is the first day of Holidailies, so here I am refreshing my memory on what it’s like to write in this here online journal of mine. It’s also the first morning I’ve woken up in my own bed since November 6th—I’ll tell the story of the trip that took me away from home for the intervening days at some point. Those are both good things, but even better is that it’s my first ski day of the 2018-19 season. It’s not the resort’s first day of the season; that happened over Thanksgiving weekend, when Mr. Karen and I were away. One of these years my opening day is going to coincide with the mountain’s opening day. I’ve got my sights set on 2019 for that, but we shall see. Only some of the runs are open at this point, which is just fine, as I failed to do any pre-season prep (didn’t even pull my ski boots out of storage until this morning) and my body got a fine workout just on the limited terrain that is available. I’m hoping my ski fitness will get back up to speed at the same rate as the resort opens more terrain, so I’ll be out on the slopes again tomorrow.

Busy Saturday



On this date in 2017: It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year
2016: Another Ride on the Holidailies Train
2015: Not Dead Yet
2014: Lucky 13
2013: And So It Begins
2012: Holidailies Time
2011: No entry
2010: No entry
2009: No entry
2008: Turkey Day Weekend
2007: Pinwheel Blanket
2006: Somethin’ New
2005: No entry
2004: No entry
2003: Goal Check-In: Month 8
2002: Holiday Weekend

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  1. MissMeliss Says:

    I lived in Colorado for seven years, and never learned to ski. I envy people who can. Or maybe I envy the idea of skiing. Happy Holidailies.

  2. KarenD Says:

    MissMeliss, skiing certainly has given me a different perspective on winter, that’s for sure. I have a use for all that flaky white stuff. 🙂

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