Hat on Top, Coat Below


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Archive for December 25th, 2019

Some Things Are Bright

December 25, 2019

Mr. K put up lights on our front balcony, so when we walk home from skiing at twilight (which is just after the lifts close this time of year) we have cheery colors to greet us. From the inside, most of the them are hidden by the railings (or the snow piled up … we’ll shovel again eventually but it’s hard to get excited about this little build up), but it’s still nice to look out and see them (until we close the drapes to keep in the warmth).

Merry Christmas to those of you celebrating today!

Balcony decor



On this date in 2018: Away in a Ceramic Tree
2017: Happy Christmas
2016: Christmas Tree, 2016 Edition
2015: All Is Calm
2014: Merry Christmas
2013: Christmas Trees of WDW
2012: Merry Christmas from the Monkeys
2011: No entry
2010: No entry.
2009: The Man with the Bag
2008: Christmas Break
2007: Happy Holiday
2006: No entry
2005: Christmas Past
2004: O Christmas Tree
2003: Christians and the Pagans
2002: No entry

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