Hat on Top, Coat Below


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Archive for December 22nd, 2020

One Year Later

December 22, 2020

I’d already picked out my photo for the day and had uploaded it and was ready to paste the link into the document file for this journal entry when I looked at last year’s entry for December 22, and it was this same view from my condo, taken on a day I’d decided not to ski (after a wet outing the day before). I didn’t ski today, either, not so much because of the wet day yesterday but because I had trouble getting to sleep and staying asleep and and am just feeling draggy. I stayed home and did laundry, and like last year, watched the Great British Baking Show (holiday episodes this year, which I don’t think I knew about last year). I’m taking more photos of this view than ever now that the lot where that tree is has sold (the for sale sign is in last year’s photo, along with the old paint job on the building on the right). I hadn’t noticed until today that the for sale sign is gone now, after having sat there with a Pending flag on it for a while. When that lot gets built, bye bye view. I’ll still be able to look the other direction and see the ski hill, so that’s something. It’s a popular spot for photos; it’s not unusual for someone to stop their car and get out and snap a picture. Today there was a woman posing there for her Instagram or something, wearing a big fur-lined coat over mint green pajamas. That was not usual, but the holiday visitors are here and they are sometimes entertaining (when they are not letting their unmasked kids run around unsupervised in the locker room like I saw yesterday).

landscape with view of snowy mountains in the distance



On this date in 2019: Quiet Day
2018: Fonts Matter
2017: Joiner
2016: Snapping Photos is Cheaper
2015: Who Are You Calling a Western Stubby?
2014: Bad Santa
2013: WDW Day 6: Magic Kingdom and a New Hotel
2012: Sock Monkey Summit
2011: Not Yet Socks
2010: Reversible Watch Cap
2009: In the Belly of the Beast
2008: Brain Clutter
2007: UFOs
2006: Tech Cat & Accretion is for Losers
2005: Spirit of the Season
2004: I’ve Been Working on the SQL
2003: Not a Weekly Check-In
2002: Planning

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