Hat on Top, Coat Below


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Archive for December 28th, 2020

The Topside of Clouds

December 28, 2020

A week ago I was skiing in rain and fog. Today I was out in the sunshine above the clouds, with surrounding hills poking up through them like islands in the sea.

view from a ski hill above the clouds


The nice weather combined with the holiday week brought a whole lot of other people out to ski with me. There weren’t as many as a usual Christmas/New Year’s break thanks to limited day tickets available, so at least I had that going for me. I didn’t have to share a chairlift with anyone even when I was out there single (Mr. K and I only ski together some of the time), though one guy did try but I declined since he wasn’t wearing his mask over his nose in line.

ski lift above the clouds


view from ski hill above the clouds


Even on a day like this, I was able to find some runs to do without a crowd around me. There’s sometimes a price to be paid for that. I found a place to make turns on barely touched corduroy at 2 in the afternoon, but the only way out of there at the bottom was the beginner lift because the “open only on the very busiest days” double chair wasn’t running, and of course the beginner lift had a line. I’ll be glad when the holiday makers go away next week. I know the resort needs their money but I don’t need their germs.


On this date in 2019: The Good Kind of Clingy
2018: November Road Trip
2017: Still Flickring
2016: Gettin’ Out of Dodge
2015: Today’s Molehill
2014: Drinking Chocolate
2013: Best Laid Plans
2012: My Mother, The Flapper
2011: Sock Monkey Makes a Friend
2010: Sock Monkey Tries the Dyson Airblade
2009: Monday, Monday
2008: New Toy
2007: Possibilities
2006: A Body in Motion
2005: Winter Count—November
2004: The Quilt That Isn’t
2003: No entry
2002: No entry

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