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December 4, 2021

One month ago today, Mr. Karen and I got up earlier than usual so we could make our breakfast reservation at the Poly. Yes, we’d just eaten there the day before at the Kona Cafe, but when the reservation finder finds you an Ohana spot, you take it even if it’s not your ideal date or time. Because we were just coming in for breakfast and leaving afterward, we parked at the hotel, which meant we could admire the updated look of the Great Ceremonial House from the front.

View of the main building at the Polynesian Village Resort at WDW


After breakfast, we drove over to Hollywood Studios to see what we could see. Both Toy Story Land and Galaxy’s Edge, plus Mickey and Minnie’s Runaway Railroad, were new since the last time we visited. Those new things were also very crowded, so we skipped most of them to try again another day and did other things instead, including an afternoon break to ride the Skyliner over to the Boardwalk, where our new 50th anniversary balloon relaxed with us.

Mickey Mouse ear balloon for the 50th anniversary


It was still crowded when we got back to the park, but we were able to take advantage of shorter lines during the time before closing, when lots of folks had either left or were gathering for the nighttime show (which we never did end up seeing this trip). We didn’t ride Tower of Terror but we did get a good look at it from the line for Rock ‘n’ Roller Coaster.

View of the Twilight Zone Tower of Terror at night


Tomorrow, the park we hadn’t been to yet this trip: Animal Kingdom.


On this date in 2020: My Friend the Creek
2019: Getting Stuff Done
2018: Only 10 Hours on the Road
2017: First World Frustration
2016: Sifting and Sorting
2015: The Crowdedest Place on Earth
2014: On Still Not Acquiring Sock Monkeys
2013: On Not Acquiring Sock Monkeys
2012: On Shimmer and Glitter
2010 and 2011: No entries
2009: November Check-in
2007 and 2008: No entries
2006: Many Pictures, Few Words
2004 and 2005: No entries
2003: Memory Lane
2002: Ugly on the Inside

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