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Back on the Slopes

December 30, 2021

I did go skiing today. It was still very cold (though not as windy), and it still felt like an effort to get all layered up and put on my Yaktrax and walk down to the village. I did get a bit of a boost from debuting my duct tape patch on my ski pants; that makes me feel like I have some sort of odd local skier cred.

Person shown from waist down standing in black ski pants with a shiny tape patch on one leg


Once I ran the gauntlet of the holiday week crowds in the locker room (wearing a KF94 mask because cloth is not up to the job here and now) and got out on the snow, it was pretty good. I did more runs than I’d planned in my head, even. It helped that there was some sun, weak though it was; I even saw a “snowbow” from one of the lifts (sort of like this one). I was glad I went out, even if my butt did get cold after a while.

Snow covered pine trees backlit by the sun



On this date in 2020: Going Grey Eventually
2019: Spoiler-Free Star Wars Thoughts
2018: When All Else Fails, Scenery
2017: December Progress Report
2016: Facing the Forecast
2015: Icy
2014: Temptation at the Thrift Shop
2013: Little Karen
2012: Sock Monkey Tries Five Guys
2011: Sock Monkeys Redecorate
2010: Sock Monkey Goes Grocery Shopping
2009: Gadgetry
2008: Twilight, The Movie
2007: Fitter
2006: Chilly Afternoon Out
2005: Triplets
2004: Vacation Paddling
2003: Pikachu Loves Me, At Least for Now
2002: Lost Weekend

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One Comment
  1. Theresa Baumgartner Says:

    I have to admit, I’m a tiny bit jealous of you living right there with access to the slopes (even though I’m not a skier, which makes no sense at all). Enjoy your winter!

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