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A Week in Photos: 2022, Part 30

August 9, 2022

Monday, July 25: Checked out of the rental house and drove to Chicago, where we checked into a hotel then met Kathy and her husband and her husband’s brother and his wife for Chicago-style pizza. We went from the restaurant to Wrigley Field, while Kathy and hubby went to the hotel, joining us at the baseball game just as the game started. It seemed a fitting way to wrap up the family portion of this trip, as Joan was a big Cubs fan.

Collage of three photos from Wrigley Field going from daylight to full dark during a night game


Tuesday, July 26: We said goodbye to Kathy and her hubby at the hotel in the morning, then Mr. K and I walked back over to Wrigley Field to catch a day game. After that, we walked to the lakefront because it seemed wrong to me to be so close and not go gaze out at the water. We finished our day driving out to the suburbs to have dinner with a friend from high school.

View of Lake Michigan with concrete terraces along the shore and skyscrapers in the distance

Wednesday, July 27: We started our drive home in earnest, making it to Sioux Falls, South Dakota for the night, seeing this gorgeous sunset from a rest area on the way.

Sunset with mostly blue clouds but some lit up orange with grass and curving pavement in the foreground

Thursday, July 28: We took time out of our driving to visit the Corn Palace, which was still being decorated with this year’s theme, and Wall Drug, which was as crowded as we’ve ever seen it. Stopped in Sheridan, Wyoming for the night.

Side of a building covered in murals made from corn with an orange lift next to the wall for the decorators to finish their work

Friday, July 29: Just driving today. I shot this landscape from the passenger seat somewhere along the way. Probably in Montana because we were mostly in Montana. We stopped for the night in Missoula even though we could have pushed through and made it home. Seemed better than driving late into the night only to arrive at a hot, stuffy house when all we’d want to do was go to bed.

landscape with road and river in foreground and high bluff beyond that

Saturday, July 30 : We made it back to our town with plenty of time to go grocery shopping before we heading up the mountain to home. We caught up with this classic car on the home stretch before town.

white sedan from the 1950s driving on a two-lane blacktop road along a lake with wooded mountains in the distance

Sunday, July 31: I lounged around at home and took no photos, just this screenshot from a friend’s Facebook post of some books she’d read that I wanted to look at more closely as a couple sounded interesting.

Screenshot of eight book cover images



On this date in 2007 to 2021: No entries
2006: I Am Delusional
2002 to 2005: No entries

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