Hat on Top, Coat Below


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Archive for September 13th, 2022

A Week-ish in Photos: 2022, Part 36

September 13, 2022

Tuesday, September 6: Practiced a decorative tie on my own thigh. I still find working with fiber like this very meditative. Knowing I’m going to undo it in a few minutes means I’m not worried about getting the pattern perfect.

Rope tied around a clothed thigh with loops forming a decorative pattern

Wednesday, September 7: One of my tasks on this day was to clear this section of the card table I use as a desk.

Table with three cardboard boxes on the left and a small pile of papers and magazines on the right

Thursday, September 8: Did my nails with liquid polish for the first time in a long time (swatching for my nail blog excepted). Chose a neutral color because the inevitable chips would show less.

White person's hand with dusty peach colored shimmery polish on the nails

Friday, September 9: Joined the friend who moved off the grid during the pandemic for his end of summer weekend campout party. I got a motel room in the next town over because I am an on the grid person. I got up from my chair to get a better look at the sun setting behind the trees.

Pine trees with the sun setting behind them

Saturday, September 10: Second day at camp was perfect for wearing the tank top I knit during the pandemic. Weather was warm enough for a tank top but cool enough for one knit from worsted weight acrylic.

Brightly color knit tank top worn by a white woman

Sunday, September 11: Came home from camp and spent some time coloring images related to 9/11. We had an opportunity to build a better country after that, and we have not. That’s what I’m sad about.

Screenshot of a coloring book app image with the Twin Towers and Statue of Liberty with a US flag background and the words In Rembrance and the date September 11, 2001



On this date in 2014 to 2021: No entries
2013: Idahome
2007 to 2012: No entries
2006: Animal ABC Quilt
2005: MQA Progress Report 4
2004: Alaska & The Yukon—Day by Day
2002 & 2003: No entries

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