Hat on Top, Coat Below


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Archive for November 14th, 2022

A Week in Photos: 2022, Part 45

November 14, 2022

Monday, November 7: It’s been cold enough that the resort has been making snow.

View from the base of a ski mountain at dusk, with two snow guns putting out clouds of snow


Tuesday, November 8: Went to vote and this good doggo was waiting outside the polling place for their human.

Mostly black-furred German shepherd standing in the snow leashed to the a tree

Wednesday, November 9: Nice view on my way to get the mail in the village.

Looking down a ski slope to a lake in the valley below with a stopped ski lift on the right side of the photo

Thursday, November 10: Documenting nail polish in my studio. Sorting the bottles and documenting the colors by painting them on nail wheels is an absorbing process for me. I get into a flow and lose track of time.

Fice bottle of gold shimmer nail polish lined up in a lightbox with the shade names showing, with a hand reaching to arrange them

Friday, November 11: Not a traditional way to observe the Veterans/Remembrance Day holidays, but I did a number of related pictures in my coloring app.

Screenshot of a picture from a coloring book app with a field of poppies against a pastel sky and the words Remembrance Day in cursive in the lower portion

Saturday, November 12: The balloon we got in Florida is still floating around the house. It’s not looking robust, though.

White Mickey Mouse balloon with one deflated ear inside a wrinkled transluscent pink outer balloon, floating near the ceiling of a wood-paneled room

Sunday, November 13: If a few turkeys from this flock hadn’t been crossing the road and made me stop my car, I probably wouldn’t have noticed the rest of them blending into the dirt and logs. (No one was behind me on the road, so I felt okay snapping this shot.)

Landscape with fir trees in the background and log and dirt piles in the foreground with wild turkeys pecking at the ground



On this date in 2012 to 2021: No entries
2011: Report Card Monday, 11.14
2008 to 2010: No entries
2007: Talos IV on a Tuesday
2006: Run for It
2003 to 2005: No entries
2002: No Thanks

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