Hat on Top, Coat Below


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Archive for November 22nd, 2022

A Week in Photos: 2022, Part 46

November 22, 2022

A day late for this update because (spoiler alert) I was on the road most of the day yesterday.

Monday, November 14: Okay, so this is a bit embarrassing. I took no photos this day. Not even any screenshots of pretty pictures I colored in my app. The only thing I added to my photos was this meme I saved from somewhere, probably Facebook. Yes, it makes me giggle but still.

Two panel meme featuring a black and white bird. Top panel has bird sitting on the ground with phrases: short, inefficient, cammot reach food, cries every night over lack of length. Bottom panel has bird standing up on its long legs with phrases: yes, good, lomgboi, cam reach top shelf at grocery, legs for days, is happy


Tuesday, November 15: The balloon is still flying, but not for long. All the weights and ribbons are gone, removed gradually as the helium bled away. Some hours after I took this photo, the balloon got too close to the glass fireplace screen and one side of the outer balloon got all wrinkled. Sad.

White balloon inside a translucent pink balloon drifting between a ceiling fan and a colorful metal sun mounted on a rock wall

Wednesday, November 16: What passes for a busy day here. I tested myself for COVID before going out since I had the sniffles. Had to do it twice because the first test didn’t give a strong control line. Both showed negative. Then Mr. K and I went to vote. Not a lot of inspiring choices on our ballot but giving up is not an option. After voting, we treated ourselves to pizza, happy to find the back for a limited time Detroit style was still on the menu. Then, grocery shopping.

Tan cardboard pizza box with black and red words: Back for a limited time, Detroit style pizza, Pizza Hut, and design mimicking the pizza inside

Thursday, November 17: No more flying. The balloon didn’t just wrinkle its outer shell on the fireplace screen this time, it melted it right through. It had a good run.

White Mickey Mouse balloon with deflated ears, one more than the other, and the tattered remains of its pink translucent outer shell sitting on a black chair

Friday, November 18: Lots of activity in the sawmill next to the studio. Logs stacking up, a new building being built. Thus more dust in my space but I can’t complain given how little I pay for it compared to the hot market around here.

View of logs stacked up in a sawmill yard with a building under construction on the right hand side of the frame

Saturday, November 19: Opening day of the 2022-23 ski season! Good to be back out there.

Smiling white woman wearing a dark purple ski helmet and goggles with a mirrored yellow and red lens standing on a ski slope with snowboarders and skiers behind her and a lake down in the valley below

Sunday, November 20: State of the studio. I moved some things around so I could host a small group of friends. It’s not fancy but it’s functional.

Industrial looking room with exposed insulation and metal beams. A large tan couch along one wall, unmatched rugs on the floor



On this date in 2012 to 2021: No entries
2011: Report Card Tuesday, 11.22
2010: Brightg Striped Socks (these are still in my wardrobe; I wore them last week)
2008 and 2009: No entries
2007: Talos IV on a Tuesday
2007: Thanksgiving
2002 to 2006: No entries

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