Cotton Candy Sky
December 7, 2022
Okay, I know I shared several pictures of the view from my front windows just a few days ago, but look what it was doing last night:
How could I not take some pictures? How could I not share? That would take more restraint than I posses when faced with such a view during Holidailies.
The view to the right, down into the valley, wasn’t bad either:
That vacant lot across the street has sold twice in the last few years. Someday someone is going to build on it and obscure my view, so I need to take many photos before they do.
On this date in 2021: Finally Hopping
2020: Happy to Color
2019: Now This Is More Like It
2018: Yertle is Judging You
2017: Throwback Thursday: 1951
2016: Doing What One Does in the Keys
2015: Well Here’s a Twist
2014: Instagram Gathering and Gimme Some Sugar
2013: No entry
2012: A Date Which Will Live in Infamy
2011: Hope Springs Eternal
2010: Pupil-riffic
2009: Introduction to Holidailies
2008: Mush!
2007: No entry.
2006: Red Scarf Two
2005: Winter Count—February
2004: Holiday Guilt—A Different Kind
2003: Scarred & Soccer Baby Quilt II
2002: No entry.