Hat on Top, Coat Below


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Archive for January 2nd, 2023

A Week in Photos: 2022, Part 52

January 2, 2023

Monday, December 26: Two of the nephews collaborated on making eggs Benedict for breakfast.

White plate with thin brown lines around the outside with poached eggs and ham on two English muffin halves with yellow Hollandaise sauce on top.


Tuesday, December 27: Joan’s wedding dress. Ice blue satin under white lace. Brought out so the sister who hadn’t been around when we found it at Thanksgiving could see it.

Closeup of a wedding dress laid out on a bed showing the bodice and part of the skirt.

Wednesday, December 28: Drove across Washington state and home. Caught the sunset at a rest area just before crossing the Columbia River.

Lanscape with snow in the foreground with some depressions from footprints leading away from the viewer. There are small shrubs in the middle ground and the sun just touching the horizon in the background.

Thursday, December 29: The wind blew some leaves into the gap between the window and the snow piled up behind our house.

Looking out a window half covered in snow. There are warm brown leaves in between the snow and the window. A snow covered bush bare of branches can been seen above the snow.

Friday, December 30: The theme of the day was catching up with laundry.

Close up of a laundry basket showing a variety of socks. A royal blue one with penguins on skis wearing santa hats is in the lower left of the frame.

Saturday, December 31: You know it’s a very busy day when the neighbors put out a chair to save their parking space.

Looking out a window onto a snowy day. There's a warm brown house across the street on the left side. A metal folding chair is placed in the snow next to the house with a sign propped on the seat saying



On this date in 2014 to 2022: No entries.
2013: Head West, Middle Aged Folks
2012: My Presence Was the Present
2011: Sock Monkey Goes on a Ski Trip
2010: Ombre Nails
2009: Evidently I’m a Graver
2008: New Year, New Socks
2007: No entry.
2006: I’m All Out of Love
2005: Bargains
2003 & 2004: No entries.

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