Yes, this week has eight days. Similar to how the last one in 2022 had six.
Sunday, January 1: Mr. K and I mostly spent the day inside, avoiding the holiday week crowds on the mountain. We did walk down the village to get some fresh air and pick up the mail we’d not gotten the day before. Even on a busy day, there are still places to find quiet and natural beauty, like on this path we took for part of our walk, where a small stream was encroached on by snow and ice.
Monday, January 2: All the vehicles of the holiday week visitors departed, leaving only the mountain shuttle van that got into some sort of accident. When we see our former next door neighbor that knows everyone and everything mountain-related, we’ll ask him what happened. After I took this photo, a flat bed tow truck came and removed the van.
Tuesday, January 3: Got back to skiing after my holiday break. It felt good.
Wednesday, January 4: Had to go down to town, and decided I also had to stop at this viewpoint on the mountain road because the air was so clear and the mountains across the way so visible.
Thursday, January 5: The views were so entrancing from the mountain today that I stopped multiple times to take pictures (yes, to go with the hundreds … maybe thousands? … I’ve taken over the years, but the clouds were never exactly like this before) and had trouble choosing just one photo to represent the day.
Friday, January 6: They changed the label on my dates. And no, it’s not just the difference between whole and pitted; all the boxes used to have the mostly green label. I think the new one is better in that the type is more prominent. We likely ended up with the pitted ones because I grabbed them quickly and failed to notice that they weren’t the whole kind we prefer.
Saturday, January 7: Went down to the city to hang out with friends. Driving home, I was stopped at a light with this view of the back of some holiday decorations.
Sunday, January 8: Yes, my Christmas tree is still up. Yes, I am still enjoying it.
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