Hat on Top, Coat Below


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A Week in Photos: 2023, Part 10

March 15, 2023

Monday, March 6: Our houseguest Wendy unfortunately started feeling sick over the weekend and tested positive for COVID. Mr. K and I both tested negative, which was both a relief and a puzzle, since one or both of us had been with Wendy pretty much the whole time we were out and about since she’d been here. We pulled out our Corsi-Rosenthal box to add to the air cleaners we normally run and started masking in the common areas of our house to try and keep the virus from spreading. Fortunately her symptoms were mild, so we didn’t need to seek medical attention.

White plastic COVID-19 test unit showing bright control line and no line for the test sample.

Tuesday, March 7: Snowy, stormy day on the slopes.

Me, a white woman, suited up for skiing in helmet, goggles, neck gaiter, and winter coat, standing in front of a ski lift. There's snow falling and snow on my face and clothes.

Wednesday, March 8: If you guessed I’m still fascinated by the changed snowscape out my back window, you’d be right.

Looking out a window at icicles that have formed between the glass and the snowdrift that's piled up outside.

Thursday, March 9: The balconies were cleared about a week ago. Snow is piling up again, and that’s a good thing.

Looking out a window at a balcony with snow piled up. There's a silver yardstick attached to one of the slats in the railing to measure the height of the pile.

Friday, March 10: Yes, another stormy ski day.

Me, a white woman, suited up for skiing in helmet, goggles, neck gaiter, and winter coat, standing at the top of a ski run with almost whiteout conditions in the background.

Saturday, March 11: To provide a break from all the snow photos, here’s the back of a business card the blueberry farm put in the bag of frozen berries we bought.

White card stained with an almost tie-dye like design in deep blue, sitting at an angle on a mustard yellow counter

Sunday, March 12: Sunnier day on the slopes, with the lake visible down in the valley.

View from a ski slope through pine trees, looking down into a valley with a lake



On this date in 2012 to 2022: No entries
2011: Green Bay’s Next Top Model
2004 to 2010: No entries
2003: Success

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