Hat on Top, Coat Below


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Archive for March 20th, 2023

A Week in Photos: 2023, Part 11

March 20, 2023

Monday, March 13: Our friend Wendy decided to stick to her originally scheduled departure despite still testing positive for COVID. We gave her some more good masks, and I took her to the airport. I was glad the heavy rain held off until I’d dropped her off. I pulled into the cell phone lot and waited for a bit just in case she had any trouble and needed me to come back. This is the view out of my windshield there.

View out a rain covered somewhat fogged up windshield. There's a sign visible outside but so obscured it cannot be read.

Tuesday, March 14: The calm after the storm. The rain that fell in Spokane the day before was heavy wet snow on the mountain. The plows hadn’t yet been through when I got home, and I got stuck in the driveway after a challenging last half mile coming up the road. Mr. Karen came out to help and we eventually settled on the best solution being parking my car in front of the neighbor’s house across the street, as seen below. By morning, the plows had come through, and we were able to easily move my car to where it belonged.

View out a window at a snowy but plowed street. An orange-yellow car is parked up close to the house across the street.

Wednesday, March 15: Snow textures on my car window.

Close up of snow on a car window. There are fluffy parts and some parts that almost look like tiny snowballs, with drops of water in other parts.

Thursday, March 16: Happy birthday to me. I made myself a cherry sheet cake topped with fun sprinkles.

Close up of the top of a cake frosted in white with sprinkles in pink, purple, and yellow.

Friday, March 17: I know I post pictures of the views around here a lot … but just look at it, how could I not?

View across a parking lot on a ski mountain to the lake in the valley below and the snow capped mountains on the opposite side.

Saturday, March 18: ‘Tis the season for disapproving chocolate rabbits.

Store display of gold wrapped chocolate rabbits with slightly frowny faces printed on the the wrappers.

Sunday, March 19: One of my birthday gifts was a cheese of the month club. We got into the fancy Parmesan on this day.

Wedge of cheese sitting on a bright orange cutting board next to a knife with a black handle.



On this date in 2021 & 2022: No entries
2020: That’s a Wrap
2014 to 2019: No entries
2013: IGIGI: The Tradition Continues
2008 to 2012: No entries
2007: One Sock, All Alone
2003 to 2006: No entries

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