Monday, March 20: Trying another of my birthday presents from Mr. Karen, some fancy loose teas, though they might also be potpourri looking at this photo.
Tuesday, March 21: A rare day when I felt confident in changing over to the sun lens on my ski goggles. Spring is here.
Wednesday, March 22: New fixture in the parking lot at my studio: this little green bus with a wooden door. I don’t know if it’s going to take the place of the big camper trailer or if the big camper trailer will show up again when the weather is warmer, as it has the past several years.
Thursday, March 23: Went to visit some new friends at their house for the first time and met their sweet dog.
Friday, March 24: Innovation in action: Mr. Karen made piecrust shields for the individual pot pies we have for dinner fairly regularly. No more using up aluminum foil or dealing with overdone pie edges.
Saturday, March 25: Snapped this from my couch. Other people heading off to ski on a day I’m taking off.
Sunday, March 26: Spent the afternoon in the studio. A friend joined me for a while. We happened to look outside just before she was going to head out and saw a moose next to the parking lot. He was munching on the willow branches and seemed in no hurry to leave.
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