Hat on Top, Coat Below


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Archive for May 17th, 2023

A Week-ish in Photos: 2023, Part 19

May 17, 2023

Tuesday, May 9: Much less snow on the mountain upon my return from my trip than there was when I left. Ah, spring.

View of a ski resort on sunny day in springtime The runs have some snow on them, especially on the left side of the image, but many are mostly bare brown ground.

Wednesday, May 10: Not surprisingly, the snow level outside the back window has also dropped significantly.

View out of a tall somewhat narrow window. There's snow outside, with bare ground and some bright green shoots of springtime plants near the top of the frame.

Thursday, May 11: Still catching up on things from being gone, including coloring pictures in my favorite app. This little dragon was one I chose as a companion to the latest mystery picture, which I like to complete every week when they come out on Sunday, but this week it took me until Thursday.

Screenshot from the Happy Color app of a completed picture showing a small green dragon perched on a branch with a pink flower behind one ear.

Friday, May 12: One of these trees is not like the others. Had dinner with Mr. Karen down in the little city before we went to the bigger city and this cell tower was next to the parking lot of the restaurant.

Two trees with white flowers flanking a fake pine tree designed to disguise its function as a cell tower.

Saturday, May 13: Another sign of spring: the ground squirrels are out and about.

Large rocks piled next to a painted concrete wall on the left and a rock and mortar wall above and behind them. There is a small brown ground squirrel sitting on one of the large rocks.

Sunday, May 14: Feel like it’s been a while since I used a shot of my favorite view as my photo of the day. No snow in this shot anymore. That lighter spot down in the valley that looks like it might be snow is actually the clearing where they’re building the new parking lot/beginner base area.

View across a blacktopped street between two low rise buildings. There's a tall pine tree in the center. The sky is has a faint glow of pink above the mountains seen on the other side of the valley behind the buildings.



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