Hat on Top, Coat Below


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Archive for June 29th, 2023

A Week in Photos: 2023, Part 24

June 29, 2023

Monday, June 12: Sitting at the dining room table, I saw a dark shape outside I thought was a big dog roaming. Nope. It was a bear, just taking a stroll through the neighborhood.

Very dark brown bear walking in front of a house with two single garage doors painted mediium warm brown. Trim around the doors is a rust color and the house itself is a slightly lighters warm brown than the garage doors.

Tuesday, June 13: Rainy day. Mr. K and I did get in a walk to the village and back between the bands of precipitation.

Raindrops on a window screen. Hazy shapes of trees can be seen beyond the screen.

Wednesday, June 14: Time for some grocery shopping. This mountain of La Croix was near the entrance to the store.

Display in grocery store of pastel colored La Croix sparkling water cases. Fourteen cases wide at the base and nineteen tall, with stepbacks like a Mayan pyramid at the 7 or 8 box level and every two or three boxes after that.

Thursday, June 15: Took a walk to the village and found that parts of the new lift were staged in one of the parking lots. Parts of the old lift being replaced where there as well, including the bullwheel, which showed the history of all the layers of paint applied to it over its years of service.

Close up of a  metal surface with a large bolt through it  in the upper left of the frame. Most of it is painted dark grey, but there are diagonal scrapes where the paint is worn off to show previous colors: light grey, blue, yellow, green, orange, maybe white or perhaps that's primer.

Friday, June 16: Opening day for summer season on the mountain. It was chilly but we took the lift up to the top anyway.

Me, facing the camera while standing at the top of the mountain wearing sunglasses, a rust fleece hat, and red violet fleece jacket. Behind me are tree-covered mountains, a small lake in the valley immediately below, and one of the ski lifts.

Saturday, June 17: Played around in my studio in the afternoon before heading down to the city for a party with friends. These two purple ropes for my macrame look very similar in regular light but glow differently under UV light. I’m still feeling no compulsion to do projects to display, just happy tying the different knots and patterns and then undoing them to re-use the fiber/rope for other practice later. Very much a process thing for me.

Four hanks of purple rope on a table. A UV flashlight is being held above the two hanks in the center, showing that one glows more blue and one more pink in that light.

Sunday, June 18: It was Community Day on the mountain, which meant reduced rate lift rides with proceeds to a local charity, and food trucks and other vendors from local businesses and organizations. The weather was not friendly for this outdoor event, being chilly and cloudy and periodically raining/hailing/snowing. Mr. K and I were able to get lunch from one of the trucks and take the lift up with an interlude of hiding out under cover from the hail in between.

View of a grassy area at the base of a ski mountain. There are tents for vendors set up along the pathways and hail falling from the sky.



On this date in 2022: A Week in Photos: 2022, Part 22 (look, I was further behind this time last year)
2021: Grand Tour of Idaho, Part 1
2018 to 2020: No journal entries
2017: Qualified Success
2012 to 2016: No entries
2011: Raffle Quilt
2010: PNW, Part 4
2007 to 2009: No entries
2006: Guilty
2004 & 2005: No entries
2003: Goal Check-In: Month 3
2002: No entry

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