Hat on Top, Coat Below


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Archive for July 6th, 2023

A Week in Photos: 2023, Part 26

July 6, 2023

Monday, June 26: Oh happy day! The first huckleberries of the season are ripe enough to pick, and Mr. Karen and I went out and got some.

Dark blue/purple berries on a bush with green leaves.

Tuesday, June 27: Went down to town and saw this big puffball near where I parked my car.

Closeup of plant whose flower has gone to seed and formed a big dandelion-like puffball.

Wednesday, June 28: Did more huckleberry picking and then went to get the mail in the village, which gave us this view of the bridge reconstruction going on this summer.

Construction site where a bridge has been torn down. There are four pieces of construction equipment scattered around the site: two excavators and two bulldozers. Pre-formed concrete blocks are staged in a parking area on the right side of the frame. A lake is visible in the valley below the scene.

Thursday, June 29: Didn’t like the overhand knots (bottom) that this jute for macrame came with, so switched them over to the more compact Matthew Walker knot (top). Lots of shedding fibers to deal with with this material, and I don’t love it. But it’s good to try new things.

Two strands of thin teal rope lying on a black background. The top strand has a small knot in the end; the bottom has a larger knot.

Friday, June 30: Went back into the woods for more huckleberry picking and saw more of these tiny pink flowers.

Closeup of plant with a cluster of pink blossoms on a stalk. The blossoms' heads point to the forest floor.

Saturday, July 1: Started the day with huckleberry buckwheat pancakes.

Cropped photo of four pancakes with dark spots where the huckleberries are embedded sitting on a plate.

Sunday, July 2: Mr. K and I saw lots of western tent caterpillars on our hike. This was one of the biggest; others were much smaller and still emerging from their nests in the crooks of branches.

Green leaves and brown branches with a black, white, and yellow patterned fuzzy caterpillar making its way along one of the leaves.



On this date in 2022: No journal entry
2021: Grand Tour of Idaho, Part 4
2010 to 2020: No entries
2009: June Check-In
2005 to 2008: No entries
2004: Drastic Measures
2003: What Sort of Holiday Weekend is This?
2002: No entry

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