Hat on Top, Coat Below


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Archive for July 13th, 2023

A Week in Photos: 2023, Part 27

July 13, 2023

Monday, July 3: Picked some more huckleberries then went to the village and rode up to have lunch at the top.

Daisy with white petals and a yellow center growing up through a huckleberry bush in the forest. The dark shape of a berry is visible behind the blossom.

Tuesday, July 4: Had a blessedly quiet holiday up on the the mountain. Apparently all the loud folks were in town where the fireworks are shot off near the beach.

US flag on a diagonal pole with a ski mountain in summer in the background.

Wednesday, 5 July: Work began on the roof replacement for our condo building, which meant this truck was parked outside the front door where my car usually is (we’d gotten the heads up to park elsewhere).

View out a doorway. The front part of a large white truck is parked crosswise a few feet from the opening.

Thursday, July 6: Spent some time in the studio (which was way too warm but the wearable air conditioner Mr. K bought me for my last birthday helps, then visited with a friend, then got home and realized I hadn’t taken a photo for the day, so snapped this detail of the marble lamp in our living room.

Vertical lines of marbles held in between white coated wire. The marbles are lit from behind with a blue glow.

Friday, July 7: Did some solo huckleberry picking as Mr. K was busy with other things. As the season progresses, the berries ripen at higher altitudes. The spot I went to on this day requires a hike to get to but worth it, especially since there are a few nice view spots to stop and take a break.

Dark blue huckleberries at the bottom of a yellow orange plastic bottle, viewed from the open mouth of the bottle.

Saturday, July 8: Went to a party at a friend’s house down in the city. Caught a stop light next to the bridge to nowhere (eventually will be part of the north/south freeway extension should that get finished ever). Enjoyed watching the dog in the back of the Jeep ahead while we waited to go.

Sunday, July 9: A former work colleague of Mr. Karen’s stopped by for an afternoon visit as part of her western states road trip. The weather cooperated and we were able to ride up to the top of the mountain to have lunch and enjoy the view and even saw a wedding in progress when we left the restaurant.



On this date in 2005 to 2022: No journal entries
2004: Alphabet Game
2003: The Journal Has New Clothes
2002: Not So Fly, Lady

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