Hat on Top, Coat Below


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Archive for September 27th, 2023

A Week in Photos: 2023, Part 35

September 27, 2023

Yep, you guessed it … I’m in catch up mode again after taking some time away from my computer.

Monday, August 28: Went up the road past a bunch of new houses to some still-vacant land and found what might be our last huckleberries of the season.

Dark blue berry nestled in leaves that are mottled in shades of yellow green, brown, and deep red.

Tuesday, August 29: Went to town to pick up the glasses I’d ordered before we left on our long trip. I liked these because of the purple, and also because it tickled me to have a modern version of the glasses my dad wore when I was a kid.

Me, a 60-ish white woman with (currently) white/grey hair, wearing glasses with purple metal frames.

Wednesday, August 30: Playing around at the studio. Everytime I think maybe I can get rid of this big teddy bear, I pick it up and it makes me smile and it gets to stay a while longer.

Extra large tan teddy bear shown from the waist up with my head peeking out from behind it for scale.

Thursday, August 31: I found a good price on 3M Aura N95 masks, which I’ve read good things about, so I ordered a box to try. I don’t like them as well as the KF94s that have been my go to for a while now. The Auras are not as comfortable on my nose, which I could put up with if they had a really good seal on my face, but they don’t seem better in that regard than the KF94s. Oh, and these are another new pair of glasses, which I ordered online and got just in time to take on my big trip in July and August.

Me wearing rose gold metal framed glasses and a white N95 mask.

Friday, September 1: Time once again to drink some beer (or, in my case, cider) and listen to some music and celebrate the last weekend of summer operations on the mountain.

Hand holding a stemless wineglass reading Schweitzer Fall Fest in teal lettering. The glass is a little over half full of light amber liquid.

Saturday, September 2: Mr. Karen and I were joined at Fall Fest by his sister Kathy and her husband, who’d arrived in the wee hours of the morning. We were stymied in getting our usual viewing spot by some motorcycles parked there … first time for everything. Still we had a good time hanging out together. We stayed until the last band played and the beer tents closed and then headed home in the alpenglow.

View of a lake in a valley in the distance with a dirt parking lot in the middle ground.

Sunday, September 3: Pretty much a repeat of the day before, except no dirt bikes parked in the spot we wanted to sit in.

Folks sitting in lawn and camp chairs on a ski slope with more slopes visible uphill



On this date in 2008 to 2022: No journal entries
2007: When in Doubt, Take the Picture
2006: Why I Do It
2005: No entry
2004: Bag Lady
2003: No entry
2002: One Is Silver and the Other Is Gold

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