Hat on Top, Coat Below


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Archive for October 23rd, 2023

A Week in Photos: 2023, Part 42

October 23, 2023

Monday, October 16: Quiet day at home. The Happy Color app informed me it was World Food Day, so I colored some pictures for that in between doing laundry and such.

Screenshot from a coloring book app. Image is a wreath of food with World Food Day spelled out in the center.

Tuesday, October 17: In celebration of leaving the house, I wore these new Baby Yoda socks I’d been saving.

Legs from mid calf down sitting on a beige carpet. They are clothed in light grey socks with green Baby Yoda heads spaced evenly on the background, interspersed with pink and white stars.

Wednesday, October 18: I was feeling well enough to walk down to the village with Mr. K and have a meal at the fancy new-ish restaurant celebrating our 37th wedding anniversary. We tried to get a photo with us and the view before we went inside but I never quite managed to get both us and the view looking good.

My husband and I smiling for the camera while standing on a sunny windy deck in the ski village.

Thursday, October 19: One of those days where it was bedtime before I realized I didn’t have a photo for the day, so here’s the nightlight in my bathroom.

Art glass nightlight. Orange glass rectangle decorated with other glass pieces to look like a face. There's colorful curled wire at the top for hair.

Friday, October 20: Finished my two-week course of antibiotics. Had enough energy to do a proper grocery shopping with Mr. Karen. We were driving home around sunset, and I asked that we pull over at the view spot to admire the alpenglow over the lake.

Looking down into a valley with a lake at the bottom. The sky is streaked with pink. A man in a dark hoodie and jeans is standing admiring the view.

Saturday, October 21: Stopped by the studio for a bit before going to meet a friend for dinner and saw this determined weed growing up out of the parking lot.

A green plant with small yellow button-like flowers growing up out of a blacktop parking lot.

Sunday, October 22: This Anchor Hocking Fire King Ware mug gave many years of service to Mr. Karen’s mom. I’ve no idea what color it had on top originally, it long since having been worn away. Interesting to see how much bigger the standard size mug has gotten since this was new; it looks tiny in my cupboard next to more modern vessels.

Coffe mug with small handle sitting on a harvest gold countertop. The mug is worn, with scratched brown color near the base and frosty white above where the original color has worn off entirely.



On this date in 2019 to 2022: No journal entries

2018: September Travels
2010 to 2017: No entries
2009: Stories from the Stones
2003 to 2007: No entries
2002: Me and My Uterus

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