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Archive for December 2nd, 2023

A Week in Photos: 2023, Part 47

December 2, 2023

Monday, November 20: Provided logistical support (putting things in piles/trash/recycling as directed) while Mr. Karen and Kathy went through some boxes of family photos. A lot of the oldest ones weren’t labeled, or if they were had names that weren’t familiar, and the elders who might have known who these people were and what the familial ties were are gone now, so we were left to enjoy them as windows into fashion and lifestyles of an earlier time.

Black and white photo of six middle aged adults posted in front of a one story house. The men are wearing dark suits; one has a bow tie, one a long tie, one no tie. The women are wearing floor length dark skirts; two of them have white long sleeve blouses with leg o' mutton style sleeves while the third has medium toned jacket over her blouse.


Tuesday, November 21: I found this mini landscape of mushrooms and leaves and moss next to a curb where we parked to be charming. Was glad I hadn’t crushed the mushrooms stepping out of the car.

Small tan mushrooms poking out from ground covered in bright green moss, medium green plants, and red wine colored fallen leaves


Wednesday, November 22: Achieved the goal for this trip when Mr. Karen and I consolidated the last of Joan’s stuff into a single storage unit. The organ here on the right was the big hurdle. The staff at the continuing care facility where she spent her last years basically tricked her into accepting it as a gift when she moved in and wouldn’t take it back after she died. I don’t believe she ever played it. No one in the family wants it. It’s bulky and heavy and not donatable to the usual places we take stuff, and people are giving away similar ones on FB marketplace so it’s not sellable either. Not sure what will eventually happen with this, but at least now her estate can stop paying for a second storage unit, so that’s progress.

Looking into a storage unit filled with furniture, appliances, and boxes, including a large Yamaha electric organ on the right side of the frame.

Thursday, November 23: Celebrated Thanksgiving with a big family and friends dinner (Mr. Karen and I were assigned to assemble the salad, though all I did was take a picture of the toppings before he cut them up) followed by Christmas movies and coloring holiday pictures in the Happy Color app (though I was the only one doing that last thing).

Vegetables and fruit sitting on a pale wood cutting board: lettuce, a red bell pepper, broccoli, yellow bell pepper, radishes, clementines, green onions, and carrots.

Friday, November 24: Got out for a walk along the water with Mr. Karen and Kathy before making yet another trip to the storage unit to make a little more progress on that front.

Rocky beach with worn boulder and tree-sized piece of driftwood. A long high boardwalk curves above the water on the right side of the frame.

Saturday, November 25: Drove home, which means taking photos at rest areas like this just post sunset shot.

Tree with bare branches silhouetted against a sky that transitions from blue at the top to bright yellow orange at the horizon.

Sunday, November 26: Definitely more winter out my back window that when we left the week before.

Snow covered trees and bushes.



On this date in 2022: Ooops
2021: Up In Space
2020: To Weed Out or Not to Weed Out
2019: Distractable
2018: Whithr Flickr
2017: I Kinda Remember Having Goals
2016: Pre-Trip Trip
2015: Octoberfest
2014: Music, Family, and a Furry Kitten
2013: Thanksgiving Recap
2012: Me, My Stuff, and I
2007 through 2011: No journal entries
2006: Surprise
2004 & 2005: No entries
2003: Boomer? Moi?
2002: Goal Check-In #5

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