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Archive for December 4th, 2023

Spider Mums, Spider Mums

December 4, 2023

One of the rules for my photo diary project is I limit myself to one photo per day (because it grew out of a 365 group on Flickr). Once in a great while I decide a collage of several images counts as one photo but mostly I make those sometimes hard choices. But writing more thanks to Holidailies means those photos that didn’t get chosen to represent their day can have a moment (yes, it seems like I could also write more at other times of the year, but experience has shown that I generally do not manage to do so). Thus today I bring you three of the blossoms that graced the sideboard at Thanksgiving.

Close up of spider mum that has dark orange petals outlined in yellow.


Close up of spider mum that has bright yellow petals.


Close up of spider mum that has red violet petals and a greenish yellow center.

I know cut flowers aren’t great from an environmental standpoint, so I don’t buy them often. But they sure are pretty to look at, and that’s great for my mental environment. Life is full of tough choices and trade offs.


On this date in 2022: Festive Decor
2021: Stu-stu-studios
2020: My Friend the Creek
2019: Getting Stuff Done
2018: Only 10 Hours on the Road
2017: First World Frustration
2016: Sifting and Sorting
2015: The Crowdedest Place on Earth
2014: On Still Not Acquiring Sock Monkeys
2013: On Not Acquiring Sock Monkeys
2012: On Shimmer and Glitter
2010 and 2011: No journal entries
2009: November Check-in
2007 and 2008: No entries
2006: Many Pictures, Few Words
2004 and 2005: No entries
2003: Memory Lane
2002: Ugly on the Inside

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