Hat on Top, Coat Below


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Archive for December 6th, 2023

A Week in Photos: 2023, Part 48

December 6, 2023

Monday, November 27: First ski day of the season! Only one lift open and one run groomed, but it’s better than zero and zero. Mr. Karen wore some classic orange and blue Olin Mark IV skis from the late 1970s/early 1980s. Most of those have long since been trashed or turned into furniture or shot skis, but he put more modern bindings on this pair we got for cheap at a thrift store, and they’re back on the slopes when conditions call for that sort of thing. I chose my trusty metal Volant Vertex skis, which were also a bargain find. Those are much more modern than the Olins, from sometime in the early 2000s, but still get me some looks at times since they also are a vintage item.

Looking down at the front of two pairs of skis from the vantage point of someone riding a chairlift. The skis have powdery snow on them which partially obscures the markings.


Tuesday, November 28: While I went to do some things in town, Mr. K put up lights on our front balcony. We made the switch to LEDs this year, having found a bunch of sets on clearance after the holidays last year.

Looking out a window at the corner of a balcony railing at night. The top rail has strings of small multi colored lights wound around it.


Wednesday, November 29: Went to the dentist for x-rays and a cleaning, had dinner in town with Mr. K, and then we finished our day with grocery shopping. It’s Snowglobe cider season again, and the store made a nice display for it.

Store shelf with bottles of Snowglobe cider, which have berry red liquid and white wax seals on the caps. In between sections of bottles, there are two clear inflatable balls with holographic silver glitter inside, so when you pick up a ball and shake, it looks like a snowglobe.

Thursday, November 30: Was snowing lightly when I was leaving the village after skiing. That’s what we like to see.

Black ski pant fabric with a scattering of snowflakes on it.

Friday, December 1: Got some snow, which is extra fun with the lights shining through it.

Looking out a window at the corner of a balcony railing at dusk. The top rail has strings of small multi colored lights wound around it. There are a few inches of snow piled up on top of the railing and the lights are making pools of color in the snow.

Saturday, December 2: Mr. K put up lights inside the house, too.

Closeup of yellow Christmas light with a faceted bulb. Purple, red, blue, and green lights are trailing off in the distance.

Sunday, December 3: One of those ski days when the snow is flirting with becoming ice fog and it stick to one’s goggles and clothing, but it’s still fun to be out there.

Me, wearing a dark plum ski helmet, goggles, and a lilac ski coat, standing on a slope with snow covered pine trees behind me.



On this date in 2022: Not My Childhood Wish Books
2021: Lunch and Window Shopping
2020: Thanksgiving Feast for Two
2019: Lost and Not Found
2018: A Slice of Urban Life
2017: When All Else Fails, Kittens
2016: Mo’ Driving
2015: And Then There Was the Rest of November
2013 & 2014: No journal entries
2012: Does Inspiration Have an Expiration Date?
2011: It’s That Time of Year
2010: Holidailies Redux
2009: No entry
2008: Crafty Doldrums
2007: No entry
2006: Amazing but True
2005: Sounds of the Season
2004: No entry
2003: Piling Off
2002: No entry

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