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Archive for December 8th, 2023

Remembrances of Cookies Past

December 8, 2023

Screenshot of part of an image from the Happy Color app showing Christmas cookies: gingerbread person, various other with swirls and sprinkles


I took this screenshot of part of an image I was doing in Happy Color earlier this week, as the red, green, and white(ish) spiral one to the left of the gingerbread person’s head reminded me of the pinwheel cookies I made in high school that were those colors. I think I got the recipe from Seventeen magazine. I baked a batch and took them to the D&D group I played with, and Eli immediately dubbed them Psychedelic Dragon cookies. I made them periodically for the rest of the time that group got together. I haven’t stayed in touch with most of those folks, but I did marry one, and we’ve seen Eli as recently as earlier this year, and I’m Facebook friends with one more. I should see if I kept that recipe and make a batch for old times’ sake. Or just find a new recipe; I’m sure there are hundreds on the internet.


On this date in 2022: I Used to Be a Quilter
2021: More Animals and Fireworks But Not Simultaneously
2020: Holiday Cheer in Decor Form
2019: Mystery Furniture
2018: It All Began with a God Named Thor
2017: Response Required by Law
2016: In the Land of the Mouse
2015: Work, Dress, Boots, Sport, Sandals, Other
2014: It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Something
2013: No entry
2012: Photo of the Week
2011: That Narrows It Down
2010: Making a List
2009: Audrey in Flying Clothes
2008: Public Service Announcement
2007: No entry
2006: I Take It Back
2005: Wild Knitting
2004: My First Quilt
2003: Weekly Report Card
2002: No entry

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