Monday, December 25: Quiet Christmas at home with Mr. Karen. We pulled out the Christmas glasses for the occasion. In my head, I remember getting these at a Ponderosa steakhouse, but I can find no evidence on the internet to back up that memory. Ponderosa did have Christmas glasses, branded with both Pepsi and Coke, but I didn’t see these exact ones, and most of the ones I did see also said Ponderosa on them somewhere and these don’t, so maybe I got other glasses at Ponderosa and mixed them up in my head with these.
Tuesday, December 26: Walked down to get the mail near the end of the ski day (though ski night was just starting). Happened to see one of the avalanche rescue dogs by the ski patrol office that’s in the same building as the mailboxes.
Wednesday, December 27: Went to town to start the process of getting new floor coverings on the main level of our condo. Had already pretty much decided to go with luxury vinyl plank, so that helped cut down on the overwhelm of choosing samples to take home to ponder.
Thursday, December 28: Went to the studio for a while. The whole time since they put in the new security system, an “invalid profile” message has shown up when I swipe my fob to set the alarm when I leave. I talked to the management company and was assured that it wasn’t a problem, except maybe it is a problem, because I never get any feedback that the alarm is actually getting set, but since the alarm auto sets at least one time a day, I stopped worrying about it.
Friday, December 29: A definite sign that there are a lot of folks staying on the mountain is waking up to a vehicle parked in front of our garage because it was the only space they could find. Fortunately we didn’t have to go anywhere, and the person came and moved their truck after a space opened up elsewhere.
Saturday, December 30: Was in the studio when it started to rain unexpectedly. I hoped that meant it was snowing up on the mountain, but alas when I drove home I discovered it was raining up there, too.
Sunday, December 31: Before I spent the evening hanging out with Mr. Karen and toasting in 2024 with quince wine, I practiced a new to me Celtic-style knot. I continue to focus on the process rather than the product with my macrame, as I don’t need any wall hangings or plant holders or etc. but I do crave the meditation of forming the patterns with the cord (well, usually rope in my case as I find cord fiddly and not relaxing).
On this date in 2013 to 2023: No journal entries
2012: Reading Through the Alphabet
2011: Circling Back Around
2010: It’s Always Something
2009: Battle of the Suet Cake
2008: Resolved
2007: No entry
2006: Quilt To Do List
2005: Time to Get Up
2004: No entry
2003: Hope in a Jar
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