Hat on Top, Coat Below


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A Week in Photos: 2024, Part 1

January 8, 2024

Yes, I’ve decided to keep going with my photo a day project into a new year. I like being able to look back at the little everyday moments that would otherwise get lost.

Monday, January 1: Still holiday crowds about (with a different vehicle than last week blocking my garage when I woke up) and no new snow, so I didn’t ski, but I did walk down to the village with Mr. Karen to get our mail. He spotted someone’s New Year’s lantern come back to earth, now trash. We put it in the appropriate receptacle when we go to one.

Deflated paper/plastic lantern being held out by the base by a person clad in ski gloves, a winter coat, and ski pants. There is a ski hill visible in the background.


Tuesday, January 2: Back on the slopes. I mostly stayed in the beginner area because while it lacked coverage, the snow that was there was the most soft and spreadable stuff on the mountain.

Me sitting on a chairlift wearing plum ski helmet and other outdoor gear. The lake in the valley is visible in the distance.

Wednesday, January 3: Went down to town and grabbed coffee with someone I hope will become part of my friend group. I was delighted to find a yellow and orange car section to park in.

Parking lot with a yellow car, a yellow orange car, and an orange car parked in adjacent spaces. There are pine tree covered hills in the distance.

Thursday, January 4: Accomplishment of the day: going through my stack of catalogs and magazines and sending almost 4 and a half inches of them to recycling.

Stack of catalogs on a wood table with a yellow tape measure standing next to them.

Friday, January 5: For some reason, I tend to forget to wear my handknit socks, so today I made an effort to remember and pulled out these happy striped ones. They’re as warm and thick as my hiking socks, so definitely suited for a trip to town.

My lower legs and feet against a tan carpet. Feet are clad in striped socks of deep pink, blue-leaning purple, sky blue, and yellow-orange.

Saturday, January 6: Finally getting some serious snow. This particular storm left about 16 inches before it tapered off in the evening.

Snow covered scene with pine trees in various sizes and bare branches of other trees and bushes.

Sunday, January 7: All the new snow meant more lifts open, like the triple on the front side (shown below).

Ski slope in winter. A lift in the middle distance is heading up and to the right.



On this date in 2011 to 2023: No journal entries
2012: Failure to Resolve
2003 to 2011: No entries

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