Hat on Top, Coat Below


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Archive for March 13th, 2024

A Week in Photos: 2024, Part 9

March 13, 2024

Monday, February 26: Went out skiing with our friend and houseguest Wendy (and her friend joined us for some runs, too).

Top of a ski slope with a lift on the right, skiers in the foreground, and a lake in the valley in the distance.

Tuesday, February 27: Feeling under the weather so took a COVID test in case I needed to start isolating. Fortunately it came up negative. Unfortunately I’m not as confident in the tests as I used to be what with all the variants that have developed.

White COVID test stick with orange lettering on a black background.

Wednesday, February 28: Bit stormy out there.

Me in ski gear dotted with snow

Thursday, February 29: Know it’s been snowing a lot when the wipers are flipped up and just a few inches of the blade is left showing.

Snow covered vehicle

Friday, March 1: Little foggy up top at times.

Winter scene on top of a ski mountain. Sky is white, ground is white. A skier glides across heading right with their poles held bend them.

Saturday, March 2: Went down to Spokane to help out with a fundraiser for a local LGBTQ+ center. Since it went late into the night and there was snow in the forecast, I got a hotel for the night. Thanks to it being close to the convention center, I was able to walk over and get a photo of the metal fish I’ve driven by so many times.

Metal fish sculpture lit up in purple and blues. Words on concrete wall in front says Spokane Conventio(n)

Sunday, March 3: On my way to the freeway leaving Spokane, noticed this building with Founded “1883” on it. Why the quotation marks? Not really 1883?

Brick warehouse about six stories tall



On this date in 2015 to 2023: No journal entries
2014: Retreat from Reality
2007 to 2013: No entries
2006: Harry Potter Fabric
2002 to 2006: No entries
2003: Winter, Still

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