Hat on Top, Coat Below


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Archive for June 26th, 2024

A Week in Photos: 2024, Part 24

June 26, 2024

Monday, June 10: Big day that came about a month later than we’d hoped: got Mr. Karen’s sailboat in the water. The delay wasn’t on our end; it was due to the lake level not being brought up for summer on the usual schedule because of a problem with the dam that controls it. By the time we trailered the boat to the ramp and did all the prep work like raising the mast, just motoring from the ramp to the dock we’re renting for the season felt like enough sailboat-related activity for one day.

White fiberglass sailboat with wood trim tied to a weathered wooden dock with green ropes.

Tuesday, June 11: Started getting the main level of our condo ready for new flooring to be installed. As part of that, Mr. Karen had to remove the baseboard heaters. Behind the one in the kitchen, he found remnants of what was probably the original backsplash treatment. Now the single random tile that was left for us with the other household goods we bought with the unit makes sense. I do wonder how much of the walls was covered with this; must have been quite a sight.

Portion of a wall with rough hewn warm brown wooden paneling and black brown wood trim. Wires stick out where a heater was removed; masking tape has been put on the wall to mark where the heater goes. An unfinished section of wall in the heater space shows a bit of wallboard and edges of ceramic tile. A full tile in the same pattern is propped against the wall; it is harvest gold, avocado, and brown in a somewhat abstract four-petaled design.

Wednesday, June 12: The installer came to rip out our existing flooring, so Mr. Karen and I escaped the noise and chaos of that to spend some time on the boat. When we tried raising the mainsail, we ran into an issue that wasn’t fixable just then, so we ended up sailing a bit with just the jib (the small sail in front, one of the many new words entering my vocabulary thanks to this new adventure).

View from the cockpit of a sailboat. A small white sail is catching the breeze while the mainsail is bundled under a blue cover along the boom.

Thursday, June 13: Another day of heading to town to avoid the flooring work. I went to the studio for a while then brought lunch to the boat where Mr. K was working on things there. There wasn’t enough wind to sail, but we did motor out for a bit since practicing getting out of the marina and docking and such is good at this stage (mostly for me, since I’ve not sailed before). We came home to grey leveler covering almost all of the floors, some of it dry, some of it still drying. The living room looked like an abstract art piece viewed from the open staircase above.

Looking straight down at a grey floor with areas of lighter and darker grey formed as the material dries.

Friday, June 14: The floor guy came and found he had to pour more leveler (the estimator was entirely too optimistic about the amount of time and materials this would take). While it dried, Mr. Karen and I rode the lift up for the first day of summer season on the mountain. There were still a few patches of snow up top.

View from the top of a ski mountain in early summer. There are a few patches of snow still. In the valley below, there is a large lake.

Saturday, June 15: The floor guy left these bits of carpet and padding on the balcony to be disposed of later. I don’t think he expected them to get snowed (well, graupelled) on.

Warm brown faux wood outdoor balcony with rolls of carpet and padding. All covered in a sprinkling of graupel.

Sunday, June 16: Hosted some friends and friends of friends for craft time at the studio but didn’t take any pictures of that, so had to resort to a pic from the parking lot of the sawmill next door to mark the day.

Pile of large logs viewed end on with another pile a ways away to the right. There is green grass/weeds in front of the logs and blue sky with white clouds above them.



On this date in 2023: A Week in Photos: 2023, Part 23
2008 to 2022: No journal entries
2007: Colorwash Quilts
2006: Praise Be To AC and Sad
2004 & 2005: No entries
2003: Out on a School Night
2002: First Love

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