Hat on Top, Coat Below


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Archive for July, 2024

A Week in Photos: 2024, Part 30

July 31, 2024

Monday, July 22: I saw this balloon stuck in a tree along the mountain road and brought it home. It wasted no time flying up to the top of the house and plastering itself to the fan in the window.

Pale teal star shaped mylar balloon in front of a metal box fan in a window.

Tuesday, July 23: Still doing Happy Color. I especially liked this interesting flower of the ones I finished this particular day.

Screeshot of image from Happy Color app showing the torso of a person wearing a blue geometric pattern dress holding single stem blossom with spiky pink vertical petals and rounded green leaves.

Wednesday, July 24: Had a bit of time between errands in town, so I popped into the library to read some magazines, including a knitting one.

Magazine page with six images. One of a blue fair isle sweater. The others swatches of the design in different colors.

Thursday, July 25: Self portrait in the car in the parking lot of a coffee shop where I was meeting a friend.

Me, a white woman wearing glasses. I have blue hair pulled back into a braid and am wearing a navy and white striped tank top diagonally bisected by my seatbelt.

Friday, July 26: Went out to look for huckleberries to pick and came across this mushroom in the woods.

Smallish white mushroom growing out of a tree stump in the woods.

Saturday, July 27: Went to Spokane to see a friend and run some errands. Saw these movie tie in nail polishes from Sally Hansen, one of the few brands that is doing special collections these days. I’ve given up writing my nail blog at least for now, but I still keep an eye out for new stuff.

Display of nail polish in a drugstore.

Sunday, July 28: Saw this thistle on my way home from picking huckleberries.

Purple thistle on a spiky plant.



On this date in 2021 to 2023: No journal entries
2020: First Sock Finish in a Long While
2019: Three Friends and Three Sisters
2018: No entry
2017: Hikes and Hucks
2015 & 2016: No entries
2014: Ann Arbor Quilt Guild Show
2013: No entry
2012: The Karen Returneth
2009 to 2011: No entries
2008: Goodbye July
2007: No entry
2006: I Need a Nap
2003 to 2005: No entries
2002: Judged

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